Tuesday, April 21, 2009

spring cleaning

has been going on around here for the last week or so....after many washings in the dishwasher no matter what miracle soap and drying 'agents" i have used our drinking glasses start to look like they have dried (white) milk stains in them!! we use them knowing they are clean and sterilized until one day i just can't stand it anymore and i need to go and get new glasses! aren't they nice and sparkly? for awhile anyway....
some fun new acrylic glasses to use outside.......
a new springy rug for the laundry room floor....

and my cully enjoying the nice warm sunshiny day! he loves to be outside.

our red bud tree is starting to "bud ". a sure sign of spring right?

photo albums for my many, many pictures of my sweetpea! i love spring cleaning and purging! makes everything feel anew!

have a nice day!

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