Saturday, October 11, 2008

this little white pumpkin

needed some halloween fun. vic gave me this blackbird and the barb wire looking hmm, what do you call it?? i don't know,trim? anyway,it it's made out of paper and it's cool and just adds a finishing touch. cool huh?
you can twist it any old way you want and i did! i also cut it so i could use it....
here. i think if you wanted you could twist it back together if you needed it for a different spot next year. good cause i'm always changing my mind about stuff,in case you hadn't figured that out by now. :)
oh the trees are gorgeous. we are going for a drive later so i can take pictures and bud can chauffeur me around.
this tree is beautiful and has a perfect shape. not everything(one) can say that huh?lol have a nice weekend!


Vicki Chrisman said...

Oh..your Halloween stuff looks so cute!!

Catherine said...

I love all your Halloween Decorations....wish I could see it in person!