Monday, August 4, 2008

we had such a nice weekend

cause our little sweet pea was here for an overnight stay saturday! she is going thru a scared phase right now but, once she decided everything was okay she smiled,all the time. she is so expressive,she is "talking"/cooing away to me in this photo. i just love her little cheeks! very smoocable don't you think?;)
cully just needed to be where kaylie was,not too close usually but, close sweet... and he was so exhaustedafter the kids picked kaylie up he just layed down next to bud in the chair and didn't move! poor pup was wore out!


Vicki Chrisman said...

She is looking more and more like her mama every single time I see her!

Trish said...

I was just surfing and found your all the pictures! What a cutie!